Press freedom: a measure of democracy and the level of social development

Realizing press freedom by enabling a pluralistic public debate in the wider context of freedom of expression is one of the strategic priorities for BiH as a potential candidate country for EU membership. The EU is committed to providing support to BiH in finding concrete solutions for freedom of expression along its European path. Such support was expressed through the organization in June of the conference SPEAK UP 2 for representatives from the media, NGOs and governments in the Enlargement region.

EU support BiH’s audio visual art and culture through Programme MEDIA

In order to strengthen the development and promotion of European audio visual art, in January 1991, the EU launched Programme MEDIA. BiH became a Programme MEDIA member in June, by signing a Memorandum of Understanding opening funding opportunities for BiH audio-visual artists. At the start of 2012, the European Commission announced that applicants from BiH could submit project proposals. As a result of this, one of the most important European festivals promoting film art - the Sarajevo Film Festival - received European Commission funding through Programme MEDIA.

IPA Monitoring Committee met in Sarajevo - agricultural projects cancelled

The IPA Monitoring Committee co-chaired by Ms Paola Pampaloni, the acting Director in DG Enlargement of the European Commission and Ms Nevenka Savic, the BiH National IPA Co-ordinator met on 10 September in Sarajevo and discussed 27 on-going and planned projects under the Instrument for Pre-accession (IPA) 2008-2012 programmes.

In terms of cultural development and the preservation of BiH's uniqueness and diversity, do you feel that world should know a lot more about BiH's culture?

Cviko Blagojevic


Marijana Matosevic


Jasmin Voloder


European Heritage Days: 50 countries offer free access to historic sites

Millions of people will enjoy free access to thousands of rarely opened historic and cultural sites in 50 countries throughout September as part of the annual European Heritage Days, a joint initiative of the European Commission and Council of Europe.

Cyprus: Renewed EU support to preserve the island's cultural heritage

The European Commission has launched a new project to strengthen the efforts already in place to preserve the island-wide cultural heritage in Cyprus. The EU contribution will amount to 2 mill Euros and will support the work of the bi-communal Technical Committee on Cultural Heritage.

Delegation of the European Union to Bosnia and Herzegovina, Skenderija 3a, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

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