Key findings of the 2013 Progress Report on
Bosnia and Herzegovina

The Progress Report on Bosnia and Herzegovina is part of the 2013 Enlargement Package adopted by the European Commission on 16 October. The Commission concluded that BiH has made very limited progress in addressing the political criteria. It noted that a shared vision by the political representatives on the overall direction and future of the country, or on how it should function, remains absent. Despite intensive facilitation efforts by the EU, the country's political representatives could not agree on a solution to implement the European Court of Human Rights judgement in the Sejdić-Finci case regarding discrimination against citizens on grounds of ethnicity.

BiH Census: the first stage successfully passed

For the first time since 1991, and after many years of delay, BiH will have valid information on its population that will open the path for more realistic planning of socio-economic development as well as progress in the EU integration process.

Ambassador Sørensen and senior diplomats visit major excavation sites

The Head of the Delegation of the EU to BiH/EU Special Representative, Ambassador Peter Sørensen, together with the EUFOR Commander, Major General Dieter Heidecker, and senior diplomats visited two major excavation sites in Sarajevo and Prijedor. During this visit, they received briefings about the results of the work so far and repeated their support for this important process. The visit was organized by the International Commission on Missing Persons, which is providing technical assistance to BiH authorities in locating, recovering and identifying persons missing from the conflicts of the 1990s.

Should the right to education be free of political, national and religious influence in order to fulfil its role of helping individuals to acquire creativity, knowledge and skill?

Nikolina Cabak

East Sarajevo

Darko Baotic


Adna Aganspahic


European Research Area progress report: 'Single Market' for research closer, but not yet a reality

On 23 September, the European Commission presented the first comprehensive analysis of the state of the 'single market' for research, or the European Research Area (ERA).

Contribution by social sciences and humanities – important for Europe’s well-being

President Dalia Grybauskaitė opened an international conference entitled Horizons for Social Sciences and Humanities as one of the events of Lithuania's Presidency of the Council of the EU on 24 September.

Delegation of the European Union to Bosnia and Herzegovina, Skenderija 3a, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

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