Meet the changes: Croatia joins the EU on July 1

Croatia becomes the 28th member of the EU on July 1. This moment will introduce a wide array of changes for both the EU and Croatia, as the EU continues to enlarge and develop, ensuring peace, justice and security for all of its citizens.

BiH parliamentarians visit senior EU officials in Brussels

Members of the BiH Parliamentary Committee for EU Integration, the FBiH Parliament, the RS National Assembly and members of the newly formed Committee for the EU Integration of the Brcko District Assembly visited Brussels from 28 to 29 May. The visit was organised within 'Parliament for Europe', an outreach initiative of the EU Special Representative in BiH.

BiH: Near to losing EU money for rural development

Each country that seeks EU membership needs to be ready to take the reform path in different areas, in BiH's case not least in agriculture and rural development. With the IPA component intended for rural development of the candidate countries and potential candidates - Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance in Rural Development (IPARD) - the EU gives these countries an opportunity to improve this area and bring it in line with EU standards. Unfortunately, BiH has not made the needed progress in preparing for IPARD.

Do you think that the upcoming State Census is necessary for BiH?

Davor Ivancevic


Sanja Golijanin


Sead Sadic


EU Foreign Affairs Council approves launch of trade and investment negotiations with the US

The Foreign Affairs Council (Trade) adopted a mandate on 14 June for the European Commission to negotiate a comprehensive trade and investment agreement with the US, the "transatlantic trade and investment partnership" (TTIP).

A strategy on Europe's adaptation to climate change

On 18 June 2013, the Environment Council adopted conclusions on a strategy on adaptation to climate change.

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