Renzo Daviddi for Sarajevo Times: Future of BiH citizens would be brighter in the EU

The Deputy Head of the EU Delegation to BiH, Dr Renzo Daviddi, in an interview with web portal Sarajevo Times, speaks about the European Union future of BiH and the activities undertaken by the Delegation of the EU that involve citizens and communities in EU integration.


Croatia's accession to the EU: threats, opportunities and messages at the door

European standards, one of the bigger challenges for BiH's economy after Croatia's accession to the EU, are in fact the road which, for BiH, would open a market much larger than the Croatian one alone. Bosnia and Herzegovina will, as of 1 July 2013, literally be at the door of the European Union – a market of half a billion people.


Census in Bosnia and Herzegovina is fundamental for planning and development

Accurate, reliable and objective statistical data are essential for governance in any country. They are key for the further development of Bosnia and Herzegovina and represent an important element in its process of European integration. In order for BiH to be able to complete the Questionnaire when applying for EU membership, it will need accurate and precise statistical data which will allow the European Commission to assess on the basis of relevant economic indicators, whether Bosnia and Herzegovina meets the requirements of the SAA and the Copenhagen economic accession criteria.


What is your opinion on BiH's EU perspective?

Nea Manjura

Bachelor of Law, jobseeker from Mostar

Nermina Blazevic

Master's Student, Senior year from Bihac

Srdjan Puhalo

Psychologist, researcher from Banja Luka

The European Year of Citizens 2013

The European Year of Citizens 2013 is dedicated to the rights that come with EU citizenship. Over this year, the EU will encourage dialogue between all levels of government, civil society and business at events and conferences around Europe to discuss those EU rights and build a vision of how the EU should be in 2020.


Ireland can help lead Europe's recovery

As Ireland takes on the rotating Presidency of the Council of the European Union , our road to economic recovery is clearly mapped out. These are challenging times for Europe – and for our Union – as the aftershocks of the economic crisis continue to make themselves felt.


Delegation of the European Union to Bosnia and Herzegovina, Skenderija 3a, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

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