New Head of EU Delegation/EUSR to Bosnia and Herzegovina appointed

On 19 January the Council of the European Union appointed Mr Lars-Gunnar Wigemark as EU Special Representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina. He will also take over the role of the Head of the European Union Delegation in BiH.

Lars-Gunnar Wigemark is currently serving as the Head of the Delegation of the European Union to Pakistan and has 30 years of experience in the Swedish and European diplomatic services. He has held a number of foreign postings, including Moscow and Washington DC, and has worked on a wide range of issues among others heading the Unit for Security Policy in the Commission and in development cooperation and management. More...

EU launches support project to phytosanitary sector in BiH

Transcript of the press conference held in Sarajevo by HR/VP Mogherini

Students from Mostar kick off series of visits by undergraduates to EU HQ in BiH

Rehabilitated Social Welfare Centre in Olovo reopens thanks to funding from EU, Swiss Government and UNICEF

End of the project of the EU support to the forest and fisheries sector in BiH

The current situation in the Forest and Fisheries sector in BiH was presented in Teslic on January 22 at the Final Conference of the EU funded project "Preparation of IPARD Forest and Fisheries Sector Reviews in Bosnia and Herzegovina".

End of the EU project of support to the Indirect Taxation Authority BiH

The results of the EU funded Twinning project “Further harmonisation to EU practices and Acquis on customs and taxation” were presented at the final conference held in Banja Luka on 28 January.

EU support to the regional development of Una Sana Canton

The results of the EU funded project of support to capacity building of the Development Agency of the Una-Sana Canton were presented at its final conference held in Bihać on 29 January.

During their recent visit to BiH aimed at kicking-start the stalled EU reform plan, Ministers of foreign affairs of Germany and United Kingdom urged local leaders to grasp what they called a unique opportunity. Do you think that the BiH political leaders will make the most of this generous offer?

Jasmin Šaković


Edin Musić


Mladen Lakić


2015 European year for development

Four years after the adoption of the Agenda for Change (the European Commission's blue-print to refocus its development aid to make sure that it reaches those sectors and countries which need it most), 2015 is the ideal time for donors and stakeholders to come together to look at what has been achieved so far, and most importantly, what still needs to be done.

European capital of Culture: Call for Applications from candidate /potential candidate countries

Its aim is to celebrate the diversity of cultures in Europe and to highlight the common features they share, thereby promoting mutual understanding, intercultural dialogue as well as increasing citizens' sense of belonging to a common cultural area.

Delegation of the European Union to Bosnia and Herzegovina, Skenderija 3a, 71000 Sarajevo,
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Tel: 00387 33 254 700, Fax: 00387 33 666 037
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